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Volleyball drills

  • Stand in pairs in the middle of the room.
  • You do with this pair 'stone - paper - scissors' and who loses must tap the winner as soon as possible.
  • The winner must try to tap the wall on his side of the room as quickly as possible.


There are two teams. These teams serve against each other. So you have to do the field vertically through the middle. On the picture you see what the left team has to do. The right team does the same but a little further to the right. The intention is to hit the person sitting down. This person has to put his butt on the ground and catch the ball without bouncing.

There is a person sitting on the other side of the table, just behind the net, on the right front side. The goal is to hit this person. You do this with your group until you succeed. If it succeeds, the server moves to the back right and the person in front of the net joins the row to serve as well. If the serve is successful and the person at the back can catch the ball without a bounce, the server may sit in the middle of the front row. If the server has a good serve on him, he will sit at the back mid court.

-->All positions are from the server's point of view on the other side of the net.

You can do that twice in a row, but you can also do that they have won if they have had all 4 positions. So it's a competition to see which of the two teams gets all 4 positions the quickest.

  • make pairs
  • 2 against 2 on a half field
  • the first ball must be passed underarms and the 2nd ball must be passed overhead
  • adjust to hit ball over it
  • overhead pass
  • 3 attackers at the net, rest at the backline
  • Attack, drop, attack => drop, attack, drop
  • slalom between the posts and connecting again
  • each 5 times
  • serve each side of the field.
  • The aim is to knock over all pawns. The side that succeeds first wins.
  • If you have an odd number of players, you put down the number of pawns that make up the team.
    • for example 4 for 5


  • on each side 4 people with the ball on the back line
  • on each side 1 person without ball between the 3 and 7 meter line
  • first you throw the volleyball which is caught, then you throw the tennis ball.
  • Extend to only throw the volleyball and then pass the ball in/or against the basket. in the basket is 2 points against the basket is 1 point. who has 10 points first.
  • You run after the ball. when you have caught it you connect to your own side of the net.field-coordination


Improve fitness and strength + warm up


To crack a code by carrying out various tasks


You can play this game with any 4 exercises you can think of.

1. Divide the group into two or three. These are the teams that will do the assignments.
2. The trainer makes a code of ten digits e.g. (24 32 14 21 33)
3. The players will do the exercises in a particular order. For example; they think the first digit is 3, so they will do exercises 3. When they have done them, they will go to the trainer and he will say whether the number is right or wrong. If the number is right, they try to guess the next number. If the number is wrong they have to do another exercise, for example exercise four, to guess the correct number.

Set 1;
Exercise 1: Push-ups 5 timesExercise
2: Sprint the distance between the back line and the middle line three timesExercise
3: Spiderman from the net to the back line and backExercise
4: Ten sit ups

Set 2
;Exercise 1: WheelbarrowExercise
2: TiggerExercise
3: Hand walkExercise
4: 15 count slice

The pair that cracks the code first wins.


The players are divided into equal teams and lined up on the serving area of the same half of the game, with each team having a passer and a catcher on the opposite side.

  • The first player of a team serves.
  • After passing and catching, catcher throws the ball to the next server (or becomes a server himself).
  • Catch joins server, passer becomes catcher
  • etc

  • If emphasis is on service: wrong serve means again.
  • If emphasis is on passing: wrong pass means stay put (again).

If the teams are small, it is nice to have everyone serve two or three times.

  • Minimum of 6 players
  • As many balls as there are teams

(the net must not be hung up yet in this exercise!)

  • Divide all children in pairs and each child lying on one side of the field. The children on side 1 lie on their stomachs and the children on side 2 on their backs.
  • All children from side 1 run to the other side and lay down next to their partner on their back.
  • As soon as this is done, the partner of side 2 can run to the other side, quickly lie down on his/her belly, touch the ground with his/her nose and run back to his/her own place. There lie down again on the back
  • The child who lies on the ground on the back must now return to his/her own place.

Who is first back on base?

  • this is an exercise in a kind of game form. In the opposite field a bench (or cupboard) has to be placed with a number of pylons standing on it.
  • Children stand divided:
    • in a line with the trainer with a ball in their hands (1);
    • at the mv position (2);
    • at the left front (side) position (3);
    • 2 children behind the bench/cabinet to catch the balls (4);
    • after play passing from 1 to 2 to 3 to 1
  • child 1 gives the ball to the trainer who passes the ball to child 2
  • child 2 gives a setup on the outside to child 3
  • child 3 plays the ball brace over the net and tries to get as many pylons off the bench as possible
  • after child 3 has played the ball, the ball is turned over.

(extension > hitting the ball)

Which team has hit/played the most pylons off the bench after X number of minutes?

  • 6 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 2x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks straight up 2x times
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive position
  • 2x cross pass back and forth.
  • core/movement
  • 10 sec plank
  • 10 x scorpion
  • 10 x spiderman
  • 15 sit ups
  • 10 push ups

Players face each other.
4 players each get 1 ball.
Players stand in the volleyball starting position and in a light squat stance
: Ankle, knee, buttocks, shoulder or head or GO* At
GO one of the players tries to grab the ball.
* Whoever takes the ball goes out