Gedeelde Training
Friday Workout
Necessary materials
- 3 x ball
- 2 x cones
Total duration training:
60 min.
3 Drills
- Condition
- Everyone a ball and distribute along the length of the field.
- Dribble back and forth (jump stop, pivot across, or keep dribbling)
- Variations:
- Dribble left back, right back.
- Tap lines along the way.
- On the way 5x push ups, 10 abs, 30 sec taps.
- Low dribble (fast left/right), high dribble with hop, backwards.
- Between legs, behind the back, turn on axis.
- Stationary:
- Through legs (step out, dribble, step back), 8-step low dribble.
Shooting drill
0 minutes
- Condition
Needed Materials
3 x ball
, 2 x cones
- Number of players = number of scores
- Different spots
- lay - up
- corner
- 45°
- elbow
- Free throw
- 3p
- Both left and right.
- timing, next time try to go faster than last time
- Players walk behind a cone.
- 1 rebounder and 3-5 balls.

Shooting from your position
0 minutes
- passing
- catching
- Condition
- Depends on the number of balls.
- In pairs or alone
- When alone:
- Start at your position, dribble across the basket.
- Set or Jumpshot from your position (Guard, forward, center).
- Up to 8 points.
- In pairs:
- Start at your position, pass to the opposite side of the basket.
- Last pass should be good so that shooter in jumpshot is ready for his/her shot.
- Up to 4 points per player.
- Losers: Slides over the width of the pitch, 1x back and forth.