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Basketball drill: 3 vs. 3 full court

Suitable for the following techniques: condition defense attack

3 vs. 3 full court

  • Starting lineup:
    • 2 teams of 5 players
    • 3 attackers
    • 3 defenders
    • 2 players baseline one side of the field
    • 2 players baseline other side of the field
  • Conduct:
    • Playing 3 against 3
    • The defensive player who takes rebound or steal goes to the other side of the court with the 2 players who were baseline
    • The 3 attackers become defenders on the other side of the court
  • Progression:
    • Each player must have had the ball before there is a goal attempt
  • Regression:
    • AFTER
drawing 3 vs. 3 full court

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: