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Volleyball drills for technique warming-up

  • Starts with 1 ticker.
  • When someone is tapped, they shake hands and tap together.
  • Form a long pendulum until everyone is tagged.
  • Trainer rolls balls to a corner of the field.
  • Player runs as fast as possible to the ball and touches it.
  • Moment of touching, is start rolling next ball to the other corner.
  • If a player is late, he must try to still touch the ball with a dive.
drawing Run away
Organization : 1 ladder per 7.
Perform each exercise 2 x.

  1. Forward 2 x in each step.
  2. Forward 3 x in each step.
  3. Forward 4 x in each step.
  4. LV in RV in LV out RV out, foot in foot out.
  5. LV in LV out/RV in RV out/LV in and so on.
  6. Standing next to ladder RV in jump LV in sping RV in next box jump.
  7. Pump stance LH in RH in and so on.
  8. Sideways 1 x in each step.
  9. Sideways 2 x in each step.
  10. Sideways 3 x in each step.
  11. Forward step sideways in each step L and R.
  12. Forward step 2 x sideways in each step L and R.
Various strength exercises:

  • 20 seconds of planks straight.
  • 20 seconds of planks left.
  • 20 seconds planks right.
  • Recline: tap left shoulder, tap right shoulder, slap behind back and again. 5 x.
  • 10 squat jumps.
Repeat all exercises 3x.
  • 5-minute jog.
  • Throw ball in from defensive end to passer and pass.
  • Passer passes to defense.
  • Attacker becomes passer.
  • Player defending stays standing.
drawing Warming
  • Plank 30 seconds
  • Wall sit 30 seconds
  • Lunge jump 10x each side
  • Situps 20x
  • Dips 10x
  • Step up 10x each side
3 times same round
  • Triplets with 2 balls.
  • Player without ball is the runner.
  • Distance player with ball approximately 5 meters.
  • Player starts next to a player with ball.
  • Then runs around the other player with ball and at that point throws.
  • The first player has the ball. Catch and throw back.
  • Then run around the first player with ball and 2nd player now throws the ball.
  • Catch and throw back.
1. Have balls BH play
2. Only one ball. Pace now increases (start with shortened distance)
  • 10x Squad
  • 15x Leap Squad
  • 10x left lunge
  • 10x right lunge
  • 25x Abdominals
  • 30 sec plank
  • 15 sec side plank
  • 15 sec side plank
  • There are two teams. One team on each side of the net.
  • From each team there are always 3 people in the field - a passer, playmaker and attacker.
  • After the ball has been played over the net, they continue to pass, but with assignments. See on drawing.

  • Buffer enters the field at position 4, near pawn, and plays the ball over the net.
  • This player then makes a block at positions 4 and 3 and becomes playmaker.
  • After setup, the playmaker sprints around the pawn at position 1 and becomes passer.
  • The passer dives after the pass to the pawn at position 5 and becomes buffer.
  • The buffer enters the field at position 4.
drawing Playing with two teams and assignments
  • Players make a large circle. About one half of play.
  • Ball is thrown over with an assignment and players, after throwing it, run after it.
  • To throw ball wrong or not catch it is to step out of the circle and complete assignment.
  • playing overhand;
  • alternate between overhand and underarm;
  • pass - setup - attack
  • Pairs with one ball.
  • A plays overhand left next to B.
  • B move and plays underarms back to A.
  • Now the same to the right.
  • Play about 1.5 meters next to the person.
  • After 10 changes
Goal: move and turn in.
drawing warm-up exercise game
Guusje game

2-team replay (net/backfield)
  • OH-OH
  • OH 1x own sideline

  • player 1 throws/smashes the ball, player 2 defends
  • ditto, player immediately gives a short ball, player 2 defends 2x

Trailing diagonally from 2 to 5
  • OH-OH

  • 4-2 pairs on one half of play.
  • Group 1 throws balls towards group 2, and catches balls.
  • Group 2 on one half of play. These defend all balls toward group 1.
  • Groups 3 and 4 keep the field of play safe.
  • After 20 balls turn immediately.
  • Same but with smash.
    • Variation smash/short/long